Pullman Bali Legian Beach

Phone Directory

Room to Room calls

  1. Dial 8 + room number

To make domestic calls or reach a local number:

  1. Press 9 and wait for the dial tone
  2. Enter the area code
  3. Enter the number you wish to call

For example, to call Pullman Bali Legian Beach which is located in the Kuta regency of Bali, the numbers used are:

  1. 9 (the number for outgoing calls)
  2. 361 (the area code for Bali)
  3. 762500 (the phone number of the hotel)

To place an international call:

  1. Press 9 and wait for the dial tone
  2. Enter 001
  3. Enter the country code
  4. Enter the area code
  5. Enter the number you wish to call

For example, to call Pullman London St. Pancras which is located in the London, England, the numbers used are:

  1. 9 (the number for outgoing calls)
  2. 001 (the code for international calls)
  3. 44 (the country code for the UK)
  4. 20 (the area code for London)
  5. 76669000 (the phone number of the hotel)
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